Terms and Conditions

The general terms and conditions have been compiled by the association of wholesalers and are registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Elst under number: 84535466 for Baby Products.

Table of Contents:          

Article 1 - Definitions

Article 2 - Applicability

Article 3 - Agreement

Article 4 - Prices

Article 5 - Right of withdrawal

Article 6 - Costs in case of withdrawal

Article 7 - Exclusion of right of withdrawal

Article 8 - Delivery time 

Article 9 - Delivery and transfer of risk

Article 10 - Delivery

Article 11 - Warranties and complaints

Article 12 - Limitation of liability

Article 13 - Force majeure

Article 14 - Intellectual property

Article 15 - Applicable law and competent court 

Article 1 Definitions

In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are used in the following meaning, unless explicitly stated otherwise:

  • Seller: Mooiys B.V and its domain and/or trade names are operated by Mooiys B.V in Elst (Chamber of Commerce no. 84535466, doing business at (6662 WD) Marithaime 8, referred to in these general terms and conditions as the seller.
  • Buyer: The counterparty of the seller is referred to in these general terms and conditions as the buyer (or consumer, if it concerns a natural person who is not acting in the exercise of a profession or business).
  • Parties: Parties are the seller and buyer together.
  • Agreement: The agreement refers to the purchase agreement between parties.

Article 2 Applicability

  1. These general terms and conditions apply to every offer from the Mooiys B.V on every distance agreement established between Mooiys B.V and consumer.
  2. Before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions is made available to the consumer.
  3. If the distance contract is concluded electronically, deviating from the previous paragraph and before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions can be made available to the consumer electronically in such a way that the consumer can easily store it on a durable data carrier.
  4. In the event that, in addition to these general terms and conditions, specific product or service conditions also apply, the second and third paragraph apply correspondingly, and in case of conflicting conditions, the consumer can always invoke the applicable provision that is most favorable to him.

Article 3 Agreement

  1. The agreement is concluded, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, at the moment of acceptance by the consumer of the offer and compliance with the conditions set therein. Article 6:232 BW states: "A counterparty is also bound by the general terms and conditions if, at the time of concluding the contract, the user understood or should have understood that they were not familiar with its content.""
  2. If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, Mooiys B confirms it.V immediately acknowledge the acceptance of the offer by electronic means. As long as the receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed by Mooiys B.V If confirmed, the consumer can terminate the agreement.
  3. If the agreement is established electronically, Mooiys B. takes measures.V Mooiys must ensure appropriate technical and organizational measures for the security of electronic data transfer to provide a safe web environment. If the consumer can pay electronically, Mooiys B will.V take appropriate safety measures for this purpose.
  4. Mooiys B.V Within the legal frameworks, it can ascertain whether the consumer can meet his payment obligations, as well as all those facts and factors that are important for responsibly entering into a distance contract. If Mooiys B.V Based on this investigation, if he has good grounds not to enter into the agreement, he is entitled to refuse an order or request with reasons, or to attach special conditions to the execution.

Article 4 Prices

  1. The prices of the offered products will not be increased, except for price changes as a result of legal changes. Transactions made with Mooiys B.V are always conducted under the agreed conditions.
  2. All previous prices automatically expire at the moment of change and no rights can be derived from them. Prijsverhogingen binnen drie maanden na de totstandkoming van de overeenkomst zijn alleen toegestaan indien zij het gevolg zijn van wettelijke regelingen of bepalingen.
  3. All prices on the website are subject to printing and typesetting errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of printing and typesetting errors. All prices on the site are in Euros and include 21% VAT. Offers are non-binding, unless otherwise stated in the offer. Upon acceptance of a non-binding offer by the buyer, Mooiys B. reserves the right.V reserves the right to revoke or deviate from the offer within a period of three working days after receipt of such acceptance.
  4. Oral commitments bind Mooiys B.V only after they have been expressly and written confirmed. Offers from Mooiys B.V do not automatically apply to reorders. Mooiys B.V cannot be held to her offer if the purchaser should have understood that the offer, or a part thereof, contained an obvious mistake or typographical error.

Artikel 5 Herroepingsrecht

  1. Indien er sprake is van een consumentenkoop overeenkomstig artikel 7:5 BW, heeft de consument het recht de overeenkomst zonder opgave van redenen gedurende 14 werkdagen te ontbinden. Deze bedenktermijn gaat in op de dag na ontvangst van het product door de consument. If the consumer has not returned the delivered goods to the seller after this period, the purchase is a fact.
  2. The consumer is obliged to notify Mooiys B in writing of their intention to return the item within 14 working days after delivery, before proceeding with the return.V De consument dient te bewijzen dat de geleverde zaken tijdig zijn teruggestuurd.
  3. During the reflection period, the consumer will handle the product and its packaging with care. Hij zal het product slechts in die mate uitpakken of gebruiken voor zover dat nodig is om te kunnen beoordelen of hij het product wenst te behouden. If he exercises his right of withdrawal, he will return the product with all supplied accessories and in the original condition and packaging to Mooiys B.V return, in accordance with Mooiys B.V provided reasonable and clear instructions. The return of the delivered goods is entirely at the expense and risk of the consumer.
  4. The above right of withdrawal does not apply to goods that have been manufactured according to the consumer's specifications, including for example custom-made items, or which have a clearly personal character.

Article 6 Costs in case of revocation

  1. If the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal, the maximum costs of return will be at his expense. If the consumer has paid an amount, Mooiys B. willV we will refund this amount as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the return or revocation.

Article 7 Exclusion of right of withdrawal

  1. Mooiys B.V The consumer's right of withdrawal can be excluded as provided in paragraph 2 and 3. The exclusion of the right of withdrawal only applies if Mooiys B.V this has been clearly stated in the offer, at least in time before the conclusion of the contract.
  2. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for products:
    a) That are by Mooiys B.V a) That have been established in accordance with the specifications of the consumer;
    b) That are clearly personal in nature;
    c) That by their nature cannot be returned;
    d) That can spoil or age quickly;
    e) Whose price is tied to fluctuations in the financial market over which Mooiys B.V has no influence;
    f) For individual newspapers and magazines; For audio and video recordings and computer software where the consumer has broken the seal.
  3. Van het herroepingsrecht is slechts mogelijk voor diensten:
    a) Betreffende logies, vervoer, restaurantbedrijf of vrijetijdsbesteding te verrichten op een bepaalde datum of tijdens een bepaalde periode;
    b) Waarvan de levering met uitdrukkelijke instemming van de consument is begonnen voordat de bedenktijd is verstreken;
    c) Betreffende weddenschappen en loterijen.

Article 8 Delivery Time

  1. Delivery takes place while stocks last.
  2. The indication of the delivery time is approximate. Mooiys B.V verplicht zich, zich zoveel mogelijk aan de opgegeven levertijd te houden, doch is niet aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van overschrijding, die hij redelijkerwijs niet heeft kunnen voorkomen. Such an exceedance obligates Mooiys B.V niet tot enige vergoeding, noch geeft zij de koper het recht de overeenkomst te ontbinden.
  3. In case of exceeding the presumed delivery time referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, Mooiys B.V granted a further period to deliver nonetheless. This additional period is equal to the original estimated delivery time with a maximum of one month. If this additional term is exceeded, the buyer has the right to terminate the agreement without reason.

Artikel 9 Oplevering en risico overgang

  1. Zodra het gekochte door de koper in ontvangst gaat het risico van verkoper naar koper.

Article 10 Delivery

  1. Mooiys B.V zal de grootst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid in acht nemen bij het in ontvangst nemen en bij de uitvoering van bestellingen van producten en bij de beoordeling van aanvragen tot verlening van diensten.
  2. The address provided by the consumer to Mooiys B is considered the place of delivery.V has made known.
  3. In accordance with what is stated in article 4 of these general terms and conditions, Mooiys B.V Accepted orders will be executed with competent speed, but no later than 30 days, unless another delivery period has been agreed upon. If the delivery experiences a delay, or if an order cannot be executed or can only be partially executed, the consumer will be notified of this no later than 30 days after placing the order.
  4. De consument heeft in dat geval het recht om de overeenkomst zonder kosten te ontbinden.

Article 11 Warranties and Complaints

  1. Mooiys B.V verleent voor de door hem geleverde producten, te rekenen vanaf de dag van de facturering aan de koper te gebruiker garantie voor zover het betreft aan de verkoper toe te schrijven gebreken, welke bij normaal gebruik aan de dag treden, zulks op basis van de navolgende afschrijvingsprocedure: – binnen 1 jaar na de factuurdatum: de kosten van reparatie respectievelijk vervanging, met inbegrip van de vracht binnen Nederland, komen volledig voor rekening van Mooiys B.V
  2. De afnemer is verplicht de geleverde zaken bij ontvangst onmiddellijk te controleren. If it turns out that the delivered item is incorrect, defective or incomplete, then the buyer must (before proceeding to return to Mooiys B.V) to report these defects immediately in writing to Mooiys B.V
  3. Any defects or incorrectly delivered goods must and can be reported to Mooiys B no later than 2 months after delivery.V to be reported in writing. The return of the items must be in the original packaging (including accessories and accompanying documentation) and in new condition. Use after detection of defects, damage occurring after detection of defects, encumbrance and/or resale after detection of defects, completely voids the right to complain and return.
  4. If the complaints of the buyer are by Mooiys B.V if found to be valid, Mooiys B. willV naar haar keuze of de geleverde zaken kosteloos vervangen of met de afnemer een schriftelijke regeling over de schadevergoeding treffen, met dien verstande dat de aansprakelijkheid van Mooiys B.V en mitsdien het bedrag der schadevergoeding steeds beperkt is tot ten hoogste het factuurbedrag der betreffende zaken, dan wel (naar keuze van Mooiys B.V) to the maximum in the respective case by the liability insurance of Mooiys B.V covered amount. Any liability of Mooiys B.V voor enige andere vorm van schade is uitgesloten, waaronder mede begrepen aanvullende schadevergoeding in welke vorm dan ook, vergoeding van indirecte schade of gevolgschade of schade wegens gederfde winst.
  5. Mooiys B.V is not liable for damage caused by the incorrect assembly of the product by the buyer or by a third party.
  6. This warranty does not apply if:
    a) As long as the buyer is against Mooiys B.V is in default;
    b) The customer has repaired and/or processed the delivered goods himself or has had them repaired/or processed by third parties.;
    c) The delivered goods have been exposed to abnormal conditions or are otherwise handled carelessly or contrary to the instructions of Mooiys B.V and/or instructions on the packaging have been followed;
    d) The defectiveness is wholly or partially the result of regulations that the government has set or will set regarding the nature or the quality of the materials used.

 Article 12 Limitation of Liability

  1. To the extent permitted by law, the liability of Mooiys B.V for damage caused by defects in the delivered goods limited to the net invoice amount of the delivered goods, unless the consequences of this exoneration for the buyer are demonstrably unreasonably burdensome.
  2. The seller is never liable for indirect damage, including damage to third parties.

Article 13 Force Majeure

  1. If the seller cannot meet his obligations from the agreement on time or properly due to force majeure, he is not liable for any damage suffered by the buyer.
  2. Onder overmacht verstaan partijen in ieder geval omstandigheid waarmee verkoper ten tijde van aangaan van de overeenkomst geen rekening kon houden en ten gevolgde waarvan de normale uitvoering van de overeenkomst redelijkerwijs niet door koper kan worden verlangd zoals bijvoorbeeld ziekte, oorlog of oorlogsgevaar, burgeroorlog en oproer molest, sabotage, terrorisme, energiestoring overstroming, aardbeving, brand, bedrijfszetting, werkstakingen, werkliedenuitsluiting, gewijzigde overheidsmaatregelen, transsportmoeilijkheden en andere storingen in het bedrijf van verkoper.
  3. Furthermore, the parties understand force majeure to be the circumstance where supplier companies, on which the seller depends for the execution of the agreement, do not meet their contractual obligations towards the seller, unless this can be attributed to the seller.
  4. If a situation as described above occurs, resulting in the inability to meet obligations, those obligations will be suspended as long as the seller cannot fulfill his obligations. If the situation referred to in the previous sentence has lasted for 30 calendar days, parties have the right to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part in writing.
  5. In the event that the force majeure lasts longer than three months, the buyer has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect. Dissolution can only be done through a registered letter.

Article 14 Intellectual Property

  1. Mooiys B.V retains intellectual property rights (including copyright, patent law, trademark law, designs and models law, on all products, designs, drawings, writings, data carriers or other information, quotations, images, sketches, models, maquettes, unless parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
  2. The customer may not use the aforementioned intellectual property rights without prior written consent from Mooiys B.V allow copying to third parties, display and/or make available or use in any other way.

Article 15 Applicable law and competent court

  1. All offers, agreements and their execution are exclusively subject to Dutch law.
  2. All disputes that exceed the jurisdiction of the district court will be settled by the court in the district where Mooiys B.V is located.